Club Update March 2015

Following our last committee meeting, we’ve got a few things we need to share with you all…..


Start Times

The club shoots on Sunday afternoons will have an increased discipline on starting shooting at 1.30pm. If you arrive after 1.30 you will be able to fill in any empty places on the 1st/2nd details, but if you require a target at a different distance, you will have to wait until it is convenient (the Line Marshall will let you know) to minimise the impact of people already shooting.


Wednesday Evenings

Once the clocks change, we will resume the club shoots on Wednesday evenings (6pm). So the first evening shoot will be 1st April 2015.


Target Days

as of 1st April, there will be a change to the Target Days. These will now be run in the afternoon onlystarting shooting at 1.30, and running for as long as necessary (people can break whenever they want). They will run every other Sunday (so 5th April, 19th April, 3rd May, 17th May, 31st May, 14th June, 28th June, etc) up until the end of October (when the clocks change). We will NOT be running any target days during the winter. The website has been updated to reflect this in the “What’s On” section.

The target days will run alongside the normal club shoots, but will finish when people have finished their allotted arrows.

People can choose to shoot either 3 or 6 arrows at a time (depending on how many people are shooting, etc – final decision by the line marshall).



Team Competition (29th March)

If you haven’t already done so, can you let me know if you want to take part in our team competition? Distances available for shooting are 60m, 50m/30m and 30m/20m  (we need to know in advance who is going to shoot what distance to prepare the handicaps).



Also, a reminder that we will be running 2 tuition sessions on Saturday 7th and Sat 14th March mornings (10-12), so if you want to come down and get some tips and help, etc, please feel free (if you need a club bow, can you let me know and I’ll make sure we take enough down with us).

If you can’t make either of these sessions, but want some extra help (beyond the ad-hoc comments at a normal shoot), let me know and I can see if we can arrange something.

Car Parking

Just to give you all a heads up, Beversbrook has had funding approved to increase the car parking….  so the area around the tennis courts will be getting dug up in April, and turned into more spaces. Phew!  But I’m not sure what that will mean during April while the work is getting done.